Panjeeri is a wholesome traditional food. It helps in the post-pregnancy care of mothers who have just given birth to their beautiful children. Having been around for centuries as part of our rich culture, its recipes are often family traditions, passed from our mothers to their daughters. Some like it sweet, while some like it bland. Some use wheat as the base ingredient, while some prefer semolina (and we have a great recipe too). No matter how you cook it, it always provides that perfect dose of all the essential ingredients that new moms require for post-pregnancy care and recovery. We’ll be digging deep into how and why subcontinental traditions connect post-pregnancy recovery with Panjeeri, and whether it even lives up to its hype as a superfood.

The roots of panjeeri

Hundreds of years ago, the use of Panjeeri was not for new moms requiring post-pregnancy care, but for farmers requiring a much-needed dose of energy! Yes, you heard it here first. If you study the origins of Panjeeri, you will discover that it was first made for farmers of Indian Punjab. Farmers would take spoonsful of Panjeeri at intervals, and return to their fields.

Over time, Panjeeri became more popular for the benefits it provides for new mothers. As a result, many mothers fine-tuned and perfected their own recipes and ultimately, they became a legacy in families. Now, millions of new moms all over the world use Panjeeri as a necessary part of their post-pregnancy care routine.

The importance post pregnancy care

As any new mother would tell you, a woman has to go through many physical and mental challenges during the nine-month process of childbirth. For nine months, a woman has to manage major hormonal shifts, physical changes, and the stress of becoming a mother. By the end of the process, a woman is completely drained, both physically and mentally. Therefore, a woman’s body thus requires significant care and nutrition to bring it back to its brilliant and energetic self again.

It is very important for new mothers to take post-pregnancy care seriously. If they do not do so, both their own health and the health of their newborn child will suffer. All newborns require the warmth of their mothers. Their mother feeds them, bathes them, and takes care of them. The newborn cries for its mother’s attention and care. In such circumstances, how will a new mother be able to care for her baby if she is not well herself? Panjeeri helps new mothers in recovering their energy levels so that they can take care of their little babies. It builds immunity, gives strength, and helps get rid of physical weakness. For a newborn to be healthy, it is important that its mother is healthy also.

Benefits of eating panjeeri after childbirth explained

As explained earlier, Panjeeri is mainly responsible for the post-pregnancy care of a new mother. It contains all the essential nutrients that a new mother requires after the difficult process of childbirth. Immediately after childbirth, Panjeeri provides the energy boost that helps a mother in regaining her physical strength. At the same time, ingredients used in Panjeeri help get rid of post-pregnancy back pains and joint weakness. It helps in the recovery of muscles, helping a new mother get stronger each day.

Importantly, nursing is a very significant part of becoming a mother. Panjeeri is rich in folates and other nutrients that directly influence the production of breast milk. Suji, which contains a high volume of folates, is particularly helpful in this regard. Its muscle recovery properties help in the removal of stretch marks and scars. Immediately after birth, a woman is most vulnerable to diseases because her immunity is very low. Panjeeri’s highly nutritious nature helps in building immunity and fighting against illnesses and diseases.

Eating Panjeeri: Before or After Child Birth?

This is the golden question that so many moms-to-be ask. They are often confused about whether Panjeeri should be eaten before or after childbirth. The answer to this is simple – you can eat panjeeri before childbirth, after it, and even years after you have become a mother. Panjeeri is so nutritious that it will benefit you whenever you consume it.

While its benefits for post-pregnancy care are very evident. It is a fantastic post-pregnancy superfood for recovery and nursing. At the same time, it is also beneficial before childbirth because of its numerous nutrients. Eating panjeeri before delivery helps moms-to-be by keeping them strong and helping them with muscular and bone pains. It helps regular the body temperature and provides a healthy dose of proteins, sugars, and carbs. Moms-to-be can use panjeeri to relieve their hunger pangs also. At the same time, we recommend that all pregnant women consult their doctors regarding the consumption of panjeeri. This is because each body reacts to various nutrients differently.

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